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Opportunities For Students:

NanoCamp— Approximately 50 middle and high school students are hosted on-site for a one-day camp where they are exposed to hands-on experiences related to nanotechnology.  Highlights of this popular event held during the spring and summer include:


  • Diverse participants from various regional school systems
  • Microfabrication technology in the clean room: students were divided in small groups and performed photolithography, etching and metal deposition steps.
  • Introduction to nanotechnology in classrooms: hands-on experiences and games to better understand size and scale, lithographic processes and cleanroom gowning.
  • Students showcase their artistic creativity to fabricate a unique Au coated Si wafer keepsake.
  • Tours of the Lurie Nanofabrication Facility for family members of participants
  • Exciting presentation by a UM faculty member for participants and family members

If you are interested in receiving information about future events, please complete this online form.
Opportunities For Teachers:

Nanoscience Workshop for Educators- This is an excellent opportunity for teachers to gain hands-on experiences and learn about available resources that will allow them to incorporate their experience into their classrooms.  If you are interested in receiving information about future workshops, please provide your contact information using our online form.

Visiting the Lurie Nanofabrication Facility—The NNIN @ UM hosts class visits to the Lurie Nanofabrication Facility on a limited basis.  If you are interested in potentially having your class visit, please contact LNF-info@umich.edu

Science Curriculum ResourcesNanotechnology curriculum resources that can be incorporated into science classrooms are available here


Research Experience for Undergraduates—10 week summer internship experience that aims to provide students with limited exposure to cutting-edge research the opportunity work on a novel project with

Highlights of our program

  • 10 week research program at a state-of-the-art nanotechnology facility.
  • Each student will be assigned a stand alone, substantive research project, appropriate for a 10 week period. A high percentage of these projects result in publishable research.
  • NNIN covers all costs for travel and housing.
  • $4000 stipend.
  • Technical support by experience NNIN staff members.
  • Interaction with a faculty member and daily interaction with a graduate student mentor.
  • End of program research convocation. In mid-August, ALL participants travel to a common site at our expense for a three day Research Convocation, sharing their results and networking with their peers from other sites. It is a wonderful opportunity to experience the breadth of nanotechnology through the experiences of your fellow students.
  • Published project report in the NNIN REU Research Accomplishments, a 150 page professional publication of the program’s research results.
  • This program has been in our , with over 600 alumni. Through experience, we have developed mechanisms to assure that each student has a successful and educational research experience.

Special Opportunity for REU Participants:

The Second-Year Advanced Research International REU (iREU) Program

Approximately 10 of the very best students to complete the NNIN REU program each year will be selected for a second year advanced research program at a major international laboratory or US national laboratory. This past summer, for example, eighteen of last year’s REU students spent the summer doing research at the Interuniversity Microelectronics Center (IMEC), Leuven, Belgium, the Forshungzentum Julich in Germany, and the National Institute of Materials Science in Tsukuba, Japan. This is part of an effort to educate Globally Aware Scientists, a necessity in this multinational research environment. Note this opportunity is ONLY available to students who have completed our REU program.  You have to apply, be accepted, and successfully complete the NNIN REU program to be considered for this follow-on second summer program.


Workshops and Webinars
Workshops and webinars on various topics are offered throughout the year.  More information on upcoming and past events can be found here