The NNIN is committed to fostering research, dialogue and consciousness on Societal and Ethical Issues in Nanotechnology (SEI). In support of this effort, all new users at the Lurie Nanofabrication Facility are required to watch the NNIN SEI video as part of the orientation process. Additionally, users also must participate in at least one SEI roundtable discussion within the first three months of initiating their project in our facility. These roundtables bring together participants having various levels of exposure to nanotechnology and backgrounds in science and engineering to afford stimulating discussions as a result of their wide-ranging perspectives. Participants can attend these roundtable discussions in-person or remotely through a web conferencing client. If you are not a user of the LNF but are interested in participating in a roundtable discussion, please contact Brandon Lucas (bdlucas@umich.edu) or Dr. Sandrine Martin (sandrine@umich.edu) for more information.
The NNIN also provides seed funding and travel awards for SEI related research that utilizes the user communities at the various network sites. If you are interested in proposing a project, please contact the NNIN SEI coordinator Dr. Katherine McComas (kam19@cornell.edu). More detailed information regarding the various funding sources and educational materials can be found within the SEI portal.